duminică, 24 noiembrie 2013

 Bună ! Eu sunt Alexandra și sunt din Oradea, județul Bihor. În ianuarie o să implinesc 7 ani și dorința mea cea mai mare e să mă fac bine ca să pot să mă duc și eu la scoală ca și ceilalalți copii de vârsta mea, să mă joc, să fac un sport, tot ceea ce face un copil de vârsta mea.

Cine poate să mă ajute să-mi îndeplinesc visul ii rog sa pună o vorbă bună la Doamne,Doamne și dacă pot să o facă și financiar atunci vă spun conturile mele deschise la BCR pe numele meu Crăciun Alexandra Daria

RO36RNCB0032130697610001 (RON)
RO09RNCB0032130697610002 (EURO)
RO79RNCB0032130697610003 (USD)

Povestea mea o puteți citi în pagina intitulată "Povestea lui Ale"

Unul din vise mi l-am implinit !!!! .............M-am intalnit cu Smiley !!!



joi, 3 octombrie 2013

From you a little, for my daughter a lot. Give her a chance to live !

From you a little, for my daughter a lot. Give her a chance to live !



If you get to know Alexandra (Ale, as we call her), nothing gives away the fact that this little girl, only six years old, has been struggling for her life for almost a year now. Although she is tired of hospitals and countless visits to various doctors, in Romania and abroad, our child shows an out of the ordinary maturity, with a smile on her face, despite the fact that the diagnosis is one to break down even an adult man: inoperable brainstem tumor.

            We found out that Ale suffers from this disease just before winter's holidays in 2012 and this has changed our lives for good. From the very start, we have lost all hope of healing (it's inoperable). We went to different doctors, here in Romania and abroad, in Hungary and Austria, hoping that somebody will give us a treatment to save her or at least give us a chance for surgery, to remove the tumor. Nobody gave us too many chances. We started immediately the chemo treatment, although it was a hard and troublesome road. Months went by, but unfortunately not in our favor. The disease refuses to give us a chance.

After nine months of treatment, doctors say that allopathist medicine won't help us too much, that it only delays the inevitable. Further more, a committee of doctors from Cluj-Napoca shattered any hope after they read Alexandra's medical file. They told us that, no matter what we try (radiotherapy - which is very risky, or chemo), our child has only between 1 and maximum 5 years to live !

Since then, we are looking day and night for solutions. We managed to get in touch with several persons with the same diagnosis as Alexandra. This is how we found out about the Burzynski clinic in Texas (http://www.burzynskiclinic.com), which treats cancer patients through antineoplaston therapy. As soon as we found out about this clinic, we sent Alexandra's medical file and we received a prompt answer. They are the only ones that gave our little girl a chance to live. Unfortunately, the therapy is very expensive, much more than we could ever bring together. The clinic stated that Dr. Burzynski's examination costs 1.350 USD and the antineoplaston therapy for a month costs 5.000 USD. The treatment lasts for at least 3 months, depending on the reaction of the organism. At a rough estimate, only to start the therapy would cost us around 17.000 USD, plus expenses for transport, visa and accommodation.

30.000-35.000 USD, this is the money that makes a difference between life and death for our little girl. For some people, this may not mean much, but for us it is enormous, especially that during all this time we have made huge efforts for our baby to have the best treatments and conditions.

We believe that everyone deserves a helping hand and this is what we are asking for. We ask for help to save our little girl's life. It is more and more very urgent, because she is beginning to develop chemoresistance, she doesn't answer anymore to cytostatics. This could lead to tumor expansion at any given moment. In other words, the countdown begins.

We appeal to those who have a big heart, who can afford to steal a moment from their routine to read this. If you have knowledge of foundations we could turn to, please contact us. You could write to her mother, Andrada Craciun -  andra141280@yahoo.com,  telephone number 0040.742.133.405 or to her father, Sorin Craciun - sorinsilviucraciun@yahoo.com,  telephone number  0040.740-158.199 or to Mircea Vasiliu – vasiliumircea5812@yahoo.com, telephone number 0040.756-630.133.

Thank you for your time ! God bless you !
The accounts for donations are opened at BCR Romania on the child’s name (Crăciun Alexandra Daria): 
          RO36RNCB0032130697610001 (RON)
  RO09RNCB0032130697610002 (EURO)
  RO79RNCB0032130697610003 (USD).

luni, 30 septembrie 2013

Orice ajutor conteaza!


Din putinul tau, da-i fetitei mele o sansa la viata!!!

Dacă ajungi să o cunoști pe Alexandra (Ale, cum o alintăm cei din familie), nimic nu ar trăda faptul că micuța de doar șase anișori duce, de aproape un an de zile, o luptă piept la piept pentru viata. Deși sătulă de spitale și de nenumăratele vizite pe la diferiți doctori, din țară și străinătate, fetița noastră dă dovadă de o maturitate ieșită din comun, cu zambetul pe buze, deși diagnosticul pus de medici este unul care cu siguranță pe majoritatea adulților i-ar doborî. Tumoare celebrală inoperabilă.

Apelam la cei cu inima mare, care isi permit sa isi rapeasca din rutina vietii o clipa pentru a citi . Va rugam chiar, daca aveti cunostinte de fundatii la care mai putem apela, sa ne contactati. O puteti face pe adresa de e-mail a mamei, Andrada Craciun -  andra141280@yahoo.com  sau la nr. de telefon 0742-133.405 si a tatalui, Sorin Craciun sorinsilviucraciun@yahoo.com, nr. de telefon 0740-158.199 sau Vasiliu Mircea – vasiliumircea5812@yahoo.com, nr. de telefon 0756-630.133

Conturile în care se pot face donaţii sunt pe numele Craciun Alexandra:
RO36RNCB0032130697610001 (RON)
RO09RNCB0032130697610002 (EURO)
RO79RNCB0032130697610003 (USD)